Friday, 30 May 2014

Market Outlook Exposition and Conferences. For more information, please visit
RED TILAPIA (Oreochromis sp.) and BLACK TILAPIA (GIFT) Tilapia is accepted worldwide as food fish and very popular among the fresh water fish lover. Since Batang Ai Tilapia establishment in 1993, its gained popularity at the local market of Sarawak. Batang Ai tilapia is preferred because of its non-muddy smell and high quality of meat hence, fetch higher price in local...
Located at Batang Ai Hydroelectric Dam, Lubok Antu District, Sri Aman Division. Accessible by Pans-Sarawak Trunk Road and 340 kilometres (KM) from Kuching City, Sarawak, Malaysia. Batang Ai was has the ability to produce quality fish on pristine environment, with total catchment area 120,000 hectare. Batang Ai Hydroelectric Dam, Lubok Antu District, Sri Aman, Sarawak,...
Selamat Ari Gawai from Batang Ai Fishery Tea...

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